Thinking about different things certainly has different effects on the brain. Of course, a person thinking about the concept of unicorns doesn't mean that unicorns exist in the real world. The same is true of Gods.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Thinking about different things certainly has different effects on the brain. Of course, a person thinking about the concept of unicorns doesn't mean that unicorns exist in the real world. The same is true of Gods.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
How do you scientifically demonstrate and measure love?
There are multiple ways to measure love including the use of electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and computer aided tomography - just to name a few.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
I do believe in something greater than us, a God, much like I believe in love. Neither is something that you can see but to both can be attributed many actions used as evidence of both.
Love is an emotion that all of us have experienced first hand - and love is also scientifically demonstrable with measurable accuracy. God(s) however, are not.
i never thought i would admit it, but i don't.
i might superstitiously have some kind of doubt but digging a bit deeper in my heart i really don't believe in god.
as a human i could never just sit and watch people be tortured, live years of abuse, suffer from illness and disabilities and all the other awful things people have to endure day after day without doing something about it.
God could have simply wiped the early ones out and started again - but that would not have proved His contention, which was goaded by the adversary. So Man became independent, and that issue has to prove itself - God's intervention would only violate the terms. God cannot intervene until Mankind learns that it cannot survive on its own
Clearly God can intervene to cause destruction and death. And it's not just humans that experience suffering. It's also animals that suffer and die too. What about them?
absolutely amazing how fast this technology is advancing.
at the darpa challenge last year the robots could hardly walk up right and it took them ten minutes to walk through an open door frame.
now they're running around outside and opening doors like a pack of velociraptors!
Absolutely amazing how fast this technology is advancing. At the DARPA challenge last year the robots could hardly walk up right and it took them ten minutes to walk through an open door frame. Now they're running around outside and opening doors like a pack of velociraptors! Not sure whether I should be excited or just plain terrified.
now that i'm free to bet, i figured it would be neat to start a pool on when the watchtower is going to change light bulbs on the prophecy about the united nations turning on worldwide religion.
there is no doubt in my mind that this prediction will be dropped.
not only is this the longest-running unchanged prediction in the wt's history (1925 and 1975 had much shorter gestations) it's the last detailed concrete prediction the society has left in its bag of tricks.
Any group that wears purple socks and sings kumbaya every other full moon has no allegiance to God . . .
Any group that embrace faith or doesn't question the very existence of a God has no allegiance to God . . .
Any group that is "a group" has no allegiance to God . . .
. . . making claims about reality based on nothing other than personal preference or baseless opinion is hardly informative. Anyone can make any claim. What's important is the evidence we use to support them.
now that i'm free to bet, i figured it would be neat to start a pool on when the watchtower is going to change light bulbs on the prophecy about the united nations turning on worldwide religion.
there is no doubt in my mind that this prediction will be dropped.
not only is this the longest-running unchanged prediction in the wt's history (1925 and 1975 had much shorter gestations) it's the last detailed concrete prediction the society has left in its bag of tricks.
now that i'm free to bet, i figured it would be neat to start a pool on when the watchtower is going to change light bulbs on the prophecy about the united nations turning on worldwide religion.
there is no doubt in my mind that this prediction will be dropped.
not only is this the longest-running unchanged prediction in the wt's history (1925 and 1975 had much shorter gestations) it's the last detailed concrete prediction the society has left in its bag of tricks.
this seems to be a question that even scientifically is still in the air.
right now your consciousness, is it the physical part of the brain?
the electrical signals in the brain?
It seems that this is more a discussion of theseus' paradox than it is anything to do with consciousness specifically.
Agreed! But is suppose it all depends upon definitions. If we're defining consciousness as our thoughts and feelings produced by our brain states - then yes, I would think it could one day be transferable. But if we're defining consciousness as our subjective first hand experience of the world we inhabit - then no it's not transferable.
Though I would argue that, under the second definition, every time we go to sleep at night our consciousness is lost forever and every time we wake up in the morning we're a different person.
However, I think it's a mistake to confuse consciousness with identity. Identity is transient. It's always in a state of flux. And what makes me "me" isn't any single conscious state. Rather, it's the sum totality of my aspirations and experiences and how I relate to myself and my environment and my loved ones and my community.
Perhaps one day we will be able to copy consciousness. But to copy consciousness isn't to copy identity.
my name is stephen and i am new to the forum.
i am a christadelphian and through my discussions with fellow members of my ecclesia it has inspired me to reach out to other religions to find out exactly what others believe to enhance my own faith and further bring me closer to our heavenly father.
in no way do i mean disrespect if it has been caused.
What does your faith believe to be the blessings that were spoken of.
In particular the promises in the garden of Eden, Abraham and David
I believe that these are ancient myths from the Sumerians that were later hellenized by the Israelites around the third century BCE. There is not a shred of evidence that Abraham was a real person but there is a great deal of evidence that humanity did not start six thousand years ago in a garden of Eden.
To believe in a literal garden of Eden is deep roots of our homo-sapien heritage that goes back hundreds of thousands of years.
For example, here's the cave painting of Altamira. Using uranium-thorium dating we know it's around 20,000 years old: